Sunday, January 24, 2010

Illuminati Plans Well

Ape yg aku nk cite ni maybe ade yg da tau, ade yg blom. Tp aku nk gk share benda ni.

Korang tau apa tu Illuminati? Illuminati are those who claimed themselves as the selected people among the jews. Sebuah organisasi yg dianggotai oleh orang yahudi yg bijak & pandai, yg nak merealisasikan cita2 diorg utk menjd pemerintah dunia, dan mengawal segala gerak geri di seluruh dunia including political finance, social engineering, mind-control, economic, etc. Ni sume usaha diorg utk wujudkan New World Order (NWO). Google psl NWO klu tatau ape sbnrnye NWO tu.

Ok2 kalau tak paham lg, ni ha maksd yg aku dpt melalui Youtube

The Illuminati are the top players on the International playground, basically belonging to the thirteen of the wealthiest families in the world, and they are the men who really rule the world from behind the scenes (yes, they are mostly men, with a few exceptions). They are the REAL Decision Makers, who make up the rules for presidents and governments to follow, and they are often held from public scrutiny, as their action can't stand being scrutinized. They are connected by bloodlines going back thousands and thousands of years in time, and they are very careful with keeping those bloodlines as pure as possible from generation to generation. The only way to do so is by interbreeding. That is why you so often see royalties marry royalties, for example. Their parents decide whom to marry.

Ni dia simbol Illuminati. Cuba tengok tu, simbol 1 mata. Mcm dajal... Entah la... wallahualam.

Tahun lps kite ramai2, berebot2 tgk cite 2012. Tgk trailer pon da agak menyeramkan. Cerita ni membayangkan keadaan bumi dilanggar planet nibiru mcm dalam ramalan kalender kaum maya yg wujud sekitar 5 ribu tahun dulu.. Seolah2 dunia da kiamat. Tp korang tau tak brp da diorg belanjekan duit utk cerita nih? Kos menghasilkan filem ni mencecah USD 200 juta! Jd cuba korang fikir, asal diorg sanggup keluarkan wang yg besar semata2 nak buat filem yg membesar2kan ramalan kaum yang wujud 5 ribu tahun dulu? Sedangkan pihak NASA sendiri pun belum lagi sahkan kebenaran teori ni.

Mungkin diorg nk wujudkan GLOBAL PANIC SITUATION yg mana bile keadaan dunia huru hara, jd seluruh dunia akan mintak bantuan dgn perlindungan drp diorg nih. Golongan Illuminati ni mmg teruja nk showoff kuasa diorg, sampai simbol2 diorg ni turut dimasukkan skali dlm movie2 yg diorg hasilkan.

Cuba tgk simbol satu mata dgn peristiwa 11 September 2001, yg WTC kene attacked tu. Kebykan movie ni dihasilkan sblm 11 September 2001.

Alright, sebelum tu, korang tgk dlu video clip ni dulu 

Klu korg tgk video tu, korg tau diorg mmg nak wujudkan GLOBAL PANIC SITUATION tu. Mcm peristiwa WTC kene attacked yg diorg sendiri rancang tu, tp diorg tuduh ekstremis Islam yg jd dalang.

Okay, yg ni lg best. Cuba tgk wang dolar US yg da dibuat mse tahun 1776 sempena penubuhan Illuminati. Diorg masokkan skali simbol2 illuminati dlm wang kertas USD1.

Cuba tgk wang kertas USD20 ni plak...

1. Fold a $20 bill in half so that you see the top half of the reverse side

2. Fold the left half away from you as shown

3. Fold the right half so that the burning Pentagon is revealed

4.Flip the bill over to see the World Trade Center

Jeng Jeng Jeng! Kan serupa tuh! Mmg besar kemungkinan diorg sendiri yg rancang serangan WTC dgn Pentagon 11 September 2001 yg dulu. Rancangan yg da diplanned beratus tahun dulu kot? Sebot tu la Yahudi ni digelar kaum yg paling bijak, maju dgn kaum yg berfikir 1000 tahun ke dpn. Just google "why Jews are clever" and you'll find a lot of articles about them.